Liisa Holmberg

Film Commissioner
International Sámi Film Institute, Norway

Film commissioner Liisa Holmberg is working in International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) in Norway.  Liisa Holmberg is  a Sámi film maker originally from Finnish side of the Saamiland.  She has worked in the film business as a producer, production manager and film consultant from the year 1994.     Big part of her work as a film commissioner is working internationally with Indigenous film makers in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Sápmi and Russia to establish an Arctic Indigenous Film Fund (AIFF). Holmberg is a member of European Film Academy from the year 2018.


During the years 2008-2018 Holmberg worked as a rector of the Sámi Education Institute in Inari, Finland.  The purpose of the Institute is to support Sámi languages, cultures and livelihoods.  Part of the work was organizing EU projects for support Sámi languages and culture.  Holmberg is nominated as a Chair of the Council of University of the Arctic 2016-2021.

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