Online consultation on the draft Towards decolonial research in the Arctic

Members of the CO-CREATE collaborative and members of the DÁVGI project team invite concerned partners, organizations and the public to review and provide suggestions for this draft document entitled “Towards decolonial research in the Arctic: Recommendations for ICARP IV , the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning”.

Why is this document important? Within the ICARP IV process, International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is committed to recognizing that "Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge and academic scientific knowledge are coequal and complementary knowledge systems that all can and should inform its work" (website ICARP IV , retrieved October 2023).

This document provides the ICARP IV process with concrete recommendations for action that can serve as tools for fulfilling this commitment.

We are seeking constructive comments and suggestions to improve the recommendations for action, highlighting key areas for action and future challenges and opportunities. Your  constructive suggestions will contribute to mainstream decolonial research practices in the Arctic.

This document intended for ICARP IV was developed over a period of 12 months. The document was compiled by the members of the CO-CREATE collaborative and members of the DÁVGI project team. The recommendations for action and key messages in this document were elaborated by drawing upon the Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research: Policy Brief for the European Commission (Hermann et al., 2023) that was developed within a service contract of EU-PolarNet 2  This document intended for ICARP IV received funding as part of the European Environment Initiative (EURENI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. 

Please review the draft ICARP document, and provide your suggestions on the five key thematic chapters by completing the online comment sheet by 16 November 2023.

Subsequently, we would like to acknowledge the reviewers in this document intended to ICARP IV. Please let us know if you would like to be mentioned in the acknowledgements with your name, or if you would like to remain anonymous.

For more information, please contact:

​Evie Morin
​Research Institute for Sustainability
Research Associate


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