Petra Laiti has been recruited as a project partner in the Human Rights unit of the Saami Council

Photo: Heikki Isotalo


The Saami Council has recruited Petra Laiti as a project partner in project "Just transition in Sápmi" in our Human Rights unit. Laiti is from Anár, but currently resides in Helsinki. She has a master's degree and a bachelor's degree in management and organizational studies.

"Just transition in Sápmi" is a two-year project focused on climate justice in the traditional sámi territories of the Nordic countries. Project partners are the Saami Council and the national Amnesty International sections: Amnesty International Finland, Amnesty International Norway and Amnesty International Sweden (including Amnesty Sápmi, an association within Amnesty Sweden focusing on Sámi rights) 

– Petra Laiti is actively involved in both the Sámi civil society and the broader international indigenous co-operation. Beyond that, she is an activist and a central voice for the Sámi in the public discourse in Finland. We are very pleased to benefit from her solid experience in this project, says Áile Jávo, Secretary General of the Sami Council.

Over the years, Laiti has chaired Suoma Sámi Nuorat – the Sámi youth association in Finland – for three periods. She has previously worked with cultural grant funds at Nordic Cultural Point, and she is also very familiar with the work of the Saami Council since she has been a council member of the Saami Council since 2022.

– I am very excited to be involved in the work of the Saami Council and finally be able to work full-time with cross-border cooperation in Sápmi, says Petra Laiti, 

– Climate justice is one of the most current challenges for the Sami community, and it is extremely important that Amnesty is involved as a partner in this project, Laiti concludes.


Petra Laiti on palkattu projektikumppaniksi Saamelaisneuvoston ihmisoikeusyksikköön.


Petra Laiti lea virgáduvvon ođđa mielbargin Sámiráđi olmmošvuoigatvuođaossodahkii