Sámi EU Strategy Launch

Saami Council and Suoma Sámi Nuorat invites you to participate at the Launch of the Sámi EU Strategy that will take place in in Váhcir (Gällivare), Sweden on August 12th in conjunction with the 22nd Saami Conference.

 The EU-Sápmi strategy is a pan Sámi-led suggestion on how the relationship between the EU and the indigenous Sámi people can be operationalized, with the aim of bringing tangible benefits to the Sámi people. The Strategy is the result of an interdisciplinary think-thank of Sámi experts established through the Interreg Nord funded project Filling the EU-Sápmi knowledge gaps. The main objective of the project is to increase the knowledge of and strengthen the strategic relationship between the EU framework and the Sámi society.

Date & Location 
The Sámi EU Strategy Launch takes place August 12, Váhcir/Gällivare Sweden
Venue: Grand Hotell Lapland  / Lavvu outside

Please send your interest to participate to asa@saamicouncil.net. We ask all participants that also wishes to attend other parts of the 22nd Saami Conference to also register through the 22nd Saami Conference webpage

Draft Program
18.15 Welcoming words
The work that has led up to the Strategy
Lavvu conversation with Sámi representatives and invited guests
Concluding words - The pathway to a future partnership
Mingle and drinks in the Lavvu
20.00 Dinner in the Lavvu



7th Newsletter Filling the EU-Sápmi knowlege gaps ENG


Oza EU-Sámi Nuoraid Idea Lab!